[ROM][KERNEL][OFFICIAL]OptiPop [05/17] topic

►Lollipop 5.1.1 LMY47V
►AOSP sources based
►Dark Material or White Layers/RRO Builds
►Deodexed for Customizability (still user builds though for less debugging and greater battery)
►ROM built with GCC 5.1 (for speed and performance)
►Faster Animations (fling velocity, window animations, faster rotation, etc.)
►Opticharging to reduce apk size using pngquant which gives up to 70% compression
►Smoother scrolling code mod for better scrolling
►Advanced Reboot menu including Soft Reboot option
►Strict Aliasing
►Graphite Optimizations
►O3 Optimizations
►Built with other optimized compiler flags
►Art & Bionic optimizations
►Busybox included
►Disable Search Bar in Recents
►Quick pulldown settings
►Display rotate settings
►Power notification sound preference
►Status bar clock and date customizations
►Statusbar Brightness Control
►Statusbar Double-tap to Sleep
►Statusbar Network Traffic Options
►Statusbar Weather
►Extended power menu with configuration options
►Clear all button on recent apps
►Preference for custom clear all recents button position
►Volume rocker wake
►Volume music control
►Volume adjust preference
►Volume panel style preference
►Safe headset volume preference
►LED control settings
►Incall vibration
►Navbar DPI settings
►Navbar ring target customization
►Navbar button/layout configuration options
►Navbar Show arrow keys while typing
►Nofication drawer tile customization options
►Nofication drawer show brightness slider
►Nofication drawer option to have toggles vibrate on touch
►Privacy Guard
►Immersive Mode
►Quick Unlock
►Kill app longpress back
►Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime
►National data roaming
►Increasing ring feature
►Volume panel timeout and option to extend volume panel and control all volumes
►Dialer lookup settings
►Pin Keypad Shuffler
►Statusbar ticker
►Volume button longpress seeks Music track on screen off
►SMS Rate Limiting
►Blacklist Support
►Wakeup on Charger Enabled/Disable Option
►SystemUI Restart Option
►CM Battery Style Options
►Custom apns (Updated Regularly)
►Speed Tweaks

Pushbullet: https://www.pushbullet.com/channel?tag=despairfactor
Downloads: http://renderserver.net/devs/DespairFactor/



All the testers
All my friends, I love you guys
All of the users, I love you, even though you sometimes piss me off[emoji14]

XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM][KERNEL][OFFICIAL]OptiPop, ROM for the Google Nexus 4

DespairFactor, Cl3Kener, Khaon, freak97
Source Code: https://github.com/OptiPop

ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: AOSP

Version Information
Status: Nightly

Created 2015-05-18
Last Updated 2015-05-17

1 commentaire:

  1. Despite her healthy and balanced weight and also diet plan, Colbert was
    diagnosed with type-2 diabetic issues in 2012 while still taking Lipitor.


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