The seller (Edge Tech) is based in Hong Kong, and they claim that the watch is not covered by the manufacturer's warranty. It all seems a bit sketchy to me.
newegg (DOT) com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA7UF2UX1010&cm_re=sony_smartw atch_3-_-9SIA7UF2UX1010-_-Product
(Sorry I had to butcher that link. I am a new user and can't post outside links for 10 posts.)
newegg (DOT) com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA7UF2UX1010&cm_re=sony_smartw atch_3-_-9SIA7UF2UX1010-_-Product
(Sorry I had to butcher that link. I am a new user and can't post outside links for 10 posts.)
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