Root SuperSU + STABLE AppStore + Custom Launcher topic

Hi there,

In this small tutorial you will learn how you can root your Amazon Fire HD 6" or 7" Tablet.
First we are going to root it using Kingroot, after thet we Sideload SuperSU Root.
Please note this Tutorial requires the 4th(!) Generation of Fire Tabs.
Error-Solutions are at the BOTTOM of this Document!
NOTE: This Tutorial includes:

-Install ADB using Android Studio (also Windows 8, 10)
-Disable Fire Tab Ads
-Connect to Google
-Install Google GAPPS
-Install Custom Launcher
-Replace Default FireLauncher with Custom Launcher
-Root Device
-Sideload superSU, replace Root
-Install Google Store
-Implement Google Service as System-Apps
-Block Google-Phone-Home, AutoUpdates

Step 1:
Download the required Files

Step 2:
Get Android Studio (full around 800MB)
Check the Android Studio Dir this ZIP contains and execute "Get AndroidStudio.lnk"

Step 2.1:
After installing Android Studio launch it, click "Configuration" and Select the SDK (first Option)
Select "Tools" at the Top and click "Manage Add-on Sites"
Click the "User Defined Sites" Tab and click on "New..."
Paste this URL: and confirm with "OK"
Close this Window after and go back to the Mainwindow "Android SDK Manager"

Step 2.2:
Scroll down until you see the "Extras" Folder, select "Fire Tab Fire USB Driver"
TIP: Click "Deselect All" first and reselect "Fire Tab Fire USB Driver" so you don't have to install the Whole Package.
Click "Install x packages..." after and wait until it's installed. After it's done you can close the SDK Manager Process.

Step 3:
Open the Android SDK Main Dir wich is located
for ex: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Android\
Enter "android-sdk\platform-tools"
Copy the Content from "APT" Dir to this Folder.
for ex: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
Go back to the Mainfolder and enter "sdk\extras\amazon\kindle_fire_usb_driver"

Step 4:
Open your Devicemanager (Controlpanel > Devices > Devicemanager)
Connect your Fire Tab to your developer Computer
Open the Internal Storage and go to the "Download" Dir at your Fire Tab, copy & paste the whole Content the APK Folder contains into the Download folder.

Step 5:
Open the "Settings" at your Fire Tab Device and select "Applications"-Tab, enable Third Party Application.
Go back to Settings and go to your Device Propertys, now rapid-tap the "Serialnumber" Field until you enable the Dev-Mode.
Enter Developersettings and enable "ADB" at the "Debugging"-Tab.

Step 6:
Now (you are still at the Devicemanager) select the "Fire", it should be displayed as a protable device.
Rightclick it and select "Uninstall".
If there is any other Kind of "Fire" you should install them, too.
Do NOT close the Devicemanager now.
---If you use Windows 8 or 10 - go to the Bottom now to see what you have to do instead of the following---
Unplug your Device now and Run (As Admin) the "KindleDriver.exe" at your Amazon Folder located at AndroidSDK
Install it (should give you a green tick if everything was correct)
After you installed it - connect the Fire Tab again.
If your Fire Tab Fire is not marked as "ADB Device" repeat Step 6

Step 7:
Now ADB and your Fire Tab are ready to get tested.
Your Fire should already be connected to your device, if not, do so.
Run a Command Prompt (Win+R and type "cmd" without ")
now first copy the Android ADB Location
For ex: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
write to your Commandprompt: cd C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools

Step 8:
Now you should be at the correct Dir, write
adb kill-server
adb start-server
The Server should start now, after it's online write
adb devices
Your Device should now be displayed at the Prompt, if it says "Unauthorized", check your Tab, accept the Message and type again
adb devices
It should now be displayed as "device"

Step 9:
adb shell
Now let's make connection with google.
Enter the following command and accept with Enter of course
pm grant android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS
---Optional: to Block Ads from the Lockscreen menu type this:
pm block

Step 10:
Go to your device and run Amazon Appstore look for "ES File Explorer" and install it.
After that, we are starting to Install GAPPS.
NOTE: After each App, REBOOT your device and install the next one!
Open ES File Explorer and go your "Download" Folder.
Install the Apk's in this Order, don't forget to reboot:
Google Account Manager
Google Service Framework
Google Play Services
Google Play Store
Now you can Create your Account and Log-In if you like
After this Step, you do not need to reboot after the next APKs.
Google Play Games
KindleReader (The default one may not work anymore)

Step 11:
Back to adb Shell Prompt, we are going to Block our Amazon Default Launcher, type
pm block
Now just Launch VireLauncher and mark it as default if it asks for.
Now we got what we need to proceed for our root.

-----------IMPORTANT: In order to make sure all Amazonapps are Still working after the initial Root
-----------It is recommend to run all Amazon Apps you are going to use even once (MOST important after factory Reset)

Step 12:
Open your ES File Explorer at the Download Tab and install
Run KingRoot and tab the blue button at the bottom
Now KingRoot is going to root your device, the device restarts during this Process.
After the Device restarted.
Click the Check Button (Top right Corner) and scroll up, it should say rooted, if NOT - restart KingRoot again and Root again.

Step 13:
Go back to our Commandprompt (if you are still in ADB Shell, type "exit" first) and now excecute those Commands
adb push su /data/local/tmp
adb push busybox /data/local/tmp
adb shell

at adb shell, type

now the following commands

mount -o remount,rw /system
cat /data/local/tmp/su >/system/xbin/daemonsu && chmod 0755 /system/xbin/daemonsu
cat /data/local/tmp/busybox >/system/xbin/busybox && chmod 0755 /system/xbin/busybox
daemonsu -d &

Leave the ADB Terminal for now and go back to your Device, open the KingUser App
Click at the Top Right Corner on the Screen, click the Root authorization Settings and Remove Root Permission.
go to Settings > Application > All Applications/Third Party and uninstall the other King Applications (KingRoot and a Chinese one)
Go back to ADB now and enter the following commands one after another:

cat /data/local/tmp/su >/system/xbin/su && chmod 0755 /system/xbin/su
busybox chattr -ia /system/xbin/ku.sud
busybox chattr -ia /system/xbin/supolicy
rm /system/xbin/ku.sud
rm /system/xbin/supolicy

rm /system/bin/
rm /system/bin/
rm /system/bin/shipclean
rm /system/bin/start-ssh

busybox chattr -ia /system/etc/
busybox chattr -ia /system/etc/
rm /system/etc/
rm /system/etc/
rm /system/etc/

rm /system/usr/icu/icusuflag.conf
busybox chattr -ia /system/usr/iku/isu
rm -rf /system/usr/iku

rm /system/kroot_*
rm /sdcard/kr-stock-conf
rm -rf /sdcard/Kingroot

Step 14:
leave the ADB Terminal again and open your ES File Explorer
Install superSU now, then run it and let it update after that reboot your Device
Leave the Device for around 5 Minutes after Reboot.
Now run your RootChecker and click the Checkbutton at the Top right, and scroll up again, it should say "rooted".

Step 15:
Go back to ES File Explorer but leave ADB open as always, Install
Open the SysAppConverter after and add the following things to your "System-Apps"
Google Play Store (
Google Services Framework (
Google Play Services (

Step 16:
After you have done this, go back to ADB Shell and stop them from Phoneing home
pm block
pm block
Also enter the Playstore, top right corner -> uncheck autoupdate
Swipe to the right, click Settings and also disable autoupdates.

Finally, you are ready and your Device is rooted including Access to Google Playstore


Go to the Windows 8 folder, There is a tutorial how to install ADB on Win 8, then back to Step 7

Click this Link:
Download PdaNet+ "Version 4.18 installer for Windows" for ex.
If you haven't done yet, unplug your Fire Tab and install PdaNet.
After you installed it completly ADB should be ready now.
Go to Step 7


#Launcher Settings#
Enable reflections - y
Lock Home screen - n
Themes - Stock
Home transition style - Crystal
Advanced Features - include Wallpaper - y
" - Full Screen Transitions - y
" - Enable Frame
" - Enable HD Shaders - y
" - Enable infinite Scroll - y
" - Homescreen - iconlabelsize - large
Show icon Shadow - y
Icon Style - none
Icon pack Settings - None
Homescreen - Add App - Vire App - Clock

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