[Q] SM-T807V Root Update Thread? topic

Hi all,

First a quick disclaimer. I am brand new to the Android ecosystem. A week ago I just purchased a Tab S and S6 Edge to replace my iPad 2 and iPhone 5. For the past few days I have trying to get up to speed by searching the XDA forums but there is so much information that it can be a bit overwhelming.

What I have gathered so far is that the Verizon and Sprint versions of the Tab S use the Snapdragon chip as opposed to the Exynos chip. The difference I have gathered with the chips is the number of cores and threads and how one handles multitasking better than the other while one is faster in just running a single application, but that is not the reason for my post. Sorry for the departure.

I guess I have several questions when it comes to gaining root access (jailbreaking if you will):

1) Is there any one specific thread which I should subscribe to stay update to date regarding the progress of a root for the Tab S Verizon version?

2) Does the chip make a difference when it comes to rooting or is it solely software based?

3) Follow up to number 2. If a root exploit is found for one model in the family, for example a T807T, would it work for the other members, or does Samsung embed specific code into the firmware for each carrier?

4) Should I just wait for Lollipop on the Tab S because it seems like there is more activity trying to find Lollipop exploits vs Kit Kat?

Thanks for any info and advice. The main reason for the first question was there were bits and pieces of info about the T807V scattered about in various threads for other models that I am having a hard time keeping it all straight. The other questions mainly sprung up from the information overload I am experiencing. :)

Thanks again.

2 commentaires:

  1. The Lipitor claim is not practically a course activity suit, which is a typical misconception.

  2. At the end of the day, winning the lottery is a
    good problem to have!


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