[Q] Recovery packed in kernel? topic

I just got my Xperia Z2, and I am familiar with custom ROMs etc. on multiple devices from various brands (developed a few myself as well), but I had a question about the Z2:

It seemed like the recovery is packaged in the kernel with this device? So let me get this straight:

- Root my device (on 167 at the moment, so that should be fine)
- Backup TA keys
- Unlock the bootloader through the official Sony method
- Fastboot Flash a boot.img for 167 with CWM built-in (so this custom kernel has CWM baked in?)
- Reboot to make sure everything is fine
- Download a CM12.1 ZIP
- Fastboot Flash the boot.img from the CM12.1 ZIP
- Boot into recovery (so I have a new CWM now, the one from the CM12.1 ROM, right?)
- Wipe Data/Factory Reset/Dalvik Cache
- Flash the CM12.1 ZIP
- Reboot

Is this procedure correct? And if so, do I understand it correctly that this device has its recovery stored in the kernel, which means everytime I flash a boot.img I also replaced the recovery as well?

And is it necessary to flash the boot.img by hand for every ROM? Once I am on CWM, I can flash any ZIP and it should flash the boot.img through the update script itself, right?

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