[Q] Photon Q Voicemail notification (255) topic

Dear Xda fellows,

For a while i have been using a sim-modded photon Q (thanks to CornholioGSM)

The problem i have is that everytime i restart my phone or lose signal for a moment i get a voicemail notification,
It states the following: "new voice mail (255) voice mail number unknown"
I have tried to change the voice mail number in the voice mail options under dialer settings but it refuses with the following error (translated from dutch):

"Cannot change voice mail number, contact your provider if this problem persists"

I have tried looking at visual voice mail apps to take over the voice mail service with no success.
I had this problem with a Carbonrom 4.4.4 ROM and it still haunts me on the latest Cyanogenmod 12.1 nightly.

Does anyone know a fix or workaround?

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