Dear Xda-Developers,
My friends and I are having a bit of fun with the app 'Happening' and i thought that it would be great to select images from your gallery instead of taking it.
So what I actually need to know if there is a way to fake the image_capture intent and replace it by a selected photo from the gallery.
I have tried using the xposed module 'Complete action plus' to add an custom action to the image_capture intent but without any luck.
Is there a way or an app that allows you to do so?
I am fully rooted with custom recovery and Xposed installed on kitkat.
I have a bit experience with Tasker so if there is a way to fake an intent with that I would love some help.
My friends and I are having a bit of fun with the app 'Happening' and i thought that it would be great to select images from your gallery instead of taking it.
So what I actually need to know if there is a way to fake the image_capture intent and replace it by a selected photo from the gallery.
I have tried using the xposed module 'Complete action plus' to add an custom action to the image_capture intent but without any luck.
Is there a way or an app that allows you to do so?
I am fully rooted with custom recovery and Xposed installed on kitkat.
I have a bit experience with Tasker so if there is a way to fake an intent with that I would love some help.
Commonly utilized for composing CGI Scripts.