[GUIDE] Xposed Framework On Samsung Lollipop ROMs topic

You will need the following:


  • Edit core-libart.jar

  • Edit services.jar

  • Donwload XposedInstaller_3.0-alpha2.apk, xposed-sdk21-arm.zip at here

Step 1: Extract core-libart.jar.zip (attachment) and copy all files to core-libart.jar.out/smali/. Recomplie core-libart.jar

Step 2: Search all files in services.jar.out/smali contain this string:



And remove all lines contain string above. Recomplie services.jar

Step 3: Install XposedInstaller_3.0-alpha2.apk.

Step 4: Reboot to recovery, flash all modified files and xposed-sdk21-arm.zip.

Step 5: Reboot and enjoy :)

Tested on DarkLord S6 Port for Galaxy Note 3.

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