Got wrong N6 from warranty, only noticed it after bricking screen topic

Hello guys! So I bought a 64gb version of Nexus 6 just before new years eve and it started having issues in february. It got fully replaced by the service company for a new one. Yesterday my phone started complaining that I have insufficient storage. I checked how much memory I had and it said "32gb". So I'm using now a 32gb instead of a 64gb version which I was supposed to get from warranty. Nobody told me about the switch and the store where I bought it from said there has happened a mistake.

The thing that makes this tricky is that I've dropped the phone and the top layer of the screen is cracked. The screen itself works 100%, no color issues or issue tracking finger. It's just the top layer of protective glass that's bricked They should contact on moday to me about this but what are really my options? If there never would had been a failure from their side, I would be living hapily with a 64gb bricked screen nexus 6 and have no issues. Do you think there are going to be more expenses for me due to their mistake?

Checked all papers over the issue. In the document over the repair, it states that they give me a new 64gb model of the phone.

One thing I started wondering about this morning. As me and my friend rooted my N6, we installed his stock image on it due to mine bugging out. He has a 32gb of N6. Could this affect it also? Both android system and disc checker app says I have left 23.03gb, aka. 32gb model.

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