Galaxy S3 [I9300] - Basics,Best Performance Package - Mod's and ROM's & Kernels topic

So, I have been using an S3 {yeah S3 , i know old, but duh i just love it } for over 3 years now . I started out as a complete noob, still am, and S3 was the first phone that i started working on. Over the years i have tried many custom ROM's , Kernel's and MOD's and i have tried here to create a List of Best Performing Custom Items over the course of 1 year, with special care for people like me who have just started out in the world of android, So here goes. {in 4 steps} :-

<1> Best "FAIL-SAFE" Method of Rooting/Installing a custom ROM - I know most of the people are afraid of bricking their device's, the first time they root. I have been in that situation and had my phone soft bricked many times while trying out different thing's. So the Most FAIL-SAFE Method that i have come up with is this:-
Many people suggest rooting the devices first and then installing a custom ROM. I have tried to do things a little differently so that the first timers can get comfortable.

A. First thing to do is install CyanogenMod on your specific devices. [without rooting] , The developers at cyanogen have made an application to directly install Cyanogen to your devices from your PC like a regular Software Install. The Link and the Instructions can be found on the official Website - The process is very simple and easy to do and after the install your device gets automatic root access. The xda thread - http://http://forum.xda-developers.c...aller-t2959922 - {you get CM - 11 from this download }

B. Now that your device is has CyanogenMod, you get a rooted device and a custom ROM. But the problem with Cyanogen is that the Custom recovery which it provides has very limited options available. So the next step is to go to Google Play Store and download "TWRP Manager" or "ROM Manager" [i personally use TWRP]. This application will help you to Install the TWRP or CWM recoveries on your Phone. The process is fairly simple, After Installing the App, Choose your Device Model and Version and Let the app do the rest of the work. PS the apps require ROOT access which your phone can provide now.

C. By now if all the steps are performed correctly [very less chance of something going wrong because most of the tings are done automatically] your respective device should have a custom Recovery installed. Next and Most important step is to Create a NANDROID BACKUP [basically an ultimate backup to restore everything]. Go to recovery mode [Home+Volume up + Power button] and select backup, and make a complete backup on your SD card. It's really important to create a Backup before doing anything. This step must not be skipped in any case.

D. Now it's time to let your imagination run wild xD, Download custom ROM's, Kernel's MOD's etc and just copy the zip's to the SD card and install them using the recovery. In case anything goes wrong Just restore from the Backup you made earlier.
[PS: Update your backup's regularly]

<2> Now's the list of My Personal Favorite's which Have Improve the overall Performance of My Phone Greatly. All the ROM's, Kernel's etc have been personally tested by me for over 3 month's for Issues related to Stability, Performance and Bug's . I have tried to put forward the Best package for optimal performance.

1. Recovery [doesn't affect much] - - TWRP Recovery: Personally "Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP)" is my favorite because of it's easy to use touch control's , it's efficiency and Design. I like the cool blue texture theme of TWRP and the speed with which it create's backup and install's new things. The performance of the Phone does no depend upon the Recovery though and you may choose whichever recovery you are comfortable with.

2. ROM - Stock CyanogenMod - 11.00 : Yes i have chosen this ROM out of the many other i tried. The reasons are very simple, This ROM provides outstanding stability and Performance to the device. There is no bloatware in the ROM and there are simply hundred's of features available for customization. It's compatible with generally all the Kernel's and Mods available for your device and the regular Nightlie's are an added bonus. It's the only ROM based on KitKat (4.4.4) in which i haven't found any Bug's or stability issues. All the features of this ROM are available on the Official website of Cyanogen.
Many people told me to try Paranoid ROM but personally i find Paranoid a little buggy, and i found that the PI controls and Halo, due to which the ROM is popular are not of any important use to people like us. They only add a touch of appearance to the device [strictly my view and i mean no offence to any other person ].

3. Kernel - arter97 kernel for Galaxy S3 - http://http://forum.xda-developers.c...xy-s3-t2749849

4. MOD's -

A. Audio Engine - Ac!d Audio - http://http://forum.xda-developers.c...msung-t2002197
B. Graphic's (GPU) - Pure Graphic's - http://http://forum.xda-developers.c....php?t=2295010
C. CPU - Pure Performance - http://http://forum.xda-developers.c...ition-t2360985

5. Launcher - Aroma Installer - http://http://forum.xda-developers.c....php?t=2409951

6. Root Applications -

A. Titanium Backup:
You can backup, restore, freeze (with Pro) your apps + data + Market links. This includes all protected apps & system apps, plus external data on your SD card. You can do 0-click batch & scheduled backups. Backups will operate without closing any apps (with Pro). You can move any app (or app data) to/from the SD card. Available on Google Play

B. AdBlock Plus for Android:
to block ads on your Android device this app is not avalibale on the playstore but you can still install it from this link

C. Greenify:
Is a good application to make your Android device more faster, by hibernating the background apps that you don't use. this application is completely free. Available on Google Play

These are the only Apps which i find useful in the long run as i have to use them constantly. Rest application's are used from time to time but not regularly. So this is My List, i'd be glad if anyone want's to add to it ^.^ :)

I'd Like to Thanks the Amazing People who have Made the above Programs to make our Phone More performance and Appearance efficient. ------> CyanogenMod community, xda developers, Jeeko, arter97, amarullz, the Ac!d Audio Engine Team, TWRP team. :)
Give a Thanks if u were helped by the post :)

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