Samsung K P7 mobile version V1.1 5 UI
Android version 4.4.2
Based versions EMUI2.3 (B125SP01)
ROM creator ATX Team B teacher
Published 2014.9.9
Based on official EMUI2.3 (B125SP01) firmware unpack production, the official kernel, root privileges
Starter for personal modified version S5 starter
Replace Samsung boot animation
Replace Samsung ring tones SMS tones, etc.
Default Samsung Wallpaper
Modify battery WIFI signal bar icons, etc.
Adapter application icon nearly a redraw landscaping
Remove some of the original system bloated cumbersome tasteless file
Reserved Huawei Features program: Snap, quick call, etc.
Join RE manager ad-free version (do not upgrade to the newest version, there are advertising)
Installation tuterial
install rom emui 2.3 b125sp01
cwm 2.3
Before installing custom ROM from Stoke-ROM backup of your custom recovery environment
To return to use it
Samsung K P7 mobile version V1.1 5 UI
Android version 4.4.2
Based versions EMUI2.3 (B125SP01)
ROM creator ATX Team B teacher
Published 2014.9.9
Based on official EMUI2.3 (B125SP01) firmware unpack production, the official kernel, root privileges
Starter for personal modified version S5 starter
Replace Samsung boot animation
Replace Samsung ring tones SMS tones, etc.
Default Samsung Wallpaper
Modify battery WIFI signal bar icons, etc.
Adapter application icon nearly a redraw landscaping
Remove some of the original system bloated cumbersome tasteless file
Reserved Huawei Features program: Snap, quick call, etc.
Join RE manager ad-free version (do not upgrade to the newest version, there are advertising)
Installation tuterial
install rom emui 2.3 b125sp01
cwm 2.3
Before installing custom ROM from Stoke-ROM backup of your custom recovery environment
To return to use it
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